Thursday, October 22, 2009

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday! Hannah surveyed the goods, making sure we'll be taking home the right one...

Hannah doesn't choose well under pressure...
She found one!!!! Looks like a winner!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blast From the Past

And by past I mean the summer. I procrastinated posting these pics so much they already invoke feelings of nostalgia. So without further ado: here's pics of everything else we did this summer!

Our Trip To Hawaii

Trip To The Zoo

Fun At The Pool (photos of Dad NSFW)

Summer Birthday Parties

Visits From Friends

And of course, playdates with Margot. If you haven't seen them already, you can check out some movies on her blog here. Kawaii!

So long, summer. Hello, decent temperatures!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Hannah Translation Dictionary!

Hannah's been speaking quite a bit recently. Check out her vocabulary:

apple = all fruits

baby = baby humans and Lola's dogs

buhbuh = balloon

cock = clock

dodo = dog and all other animals except cats

doi = door

goo ga = good girl

lai = light

meh meh = flower (what?)

moo = moon

no = no (used only for the sake of being rebellious)

plane = airplane

shady = all cats

ska = sky

teddy = teddy bear

yaya = Lola

and of course

buhbye = bye bye

You can expect her novel early 2010...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Amaya's Birthday at Adventure City!

Amaya had her 4th birthday at Adventure City this past weekend!!!!!

Adventure City is an amusement park in Anaheim with kid-friendly rides and attractions such as:

A Carousel

Rescue Rides

Barnstormer Planes

Express Train

Crank n Roll

Gift Stores

And of course, a Petting Zoo!

We all had a blast! I'm sure we'll be going back often. Happy Birthday Amaya!!!