Monday, February 16, 2009

We Had A Time...

I've only been away at work for a week and I already miss Hannah to pieces!!!! I can't help but reminisce about the good times we had this winter:

Playing at the Park

Taking Daily Strolls

Making Starbucks and Jamba Juice Runs -- thanks Jeff and Lesley ;)

Hangin' With Friends and Family

Reading Magazines Together 

Playing Video Games

I'm so jealous of Mom!


Jenny said...

ah! that's how i feel when i have a long weekend with her, so i can only imagine after months with hannah!

and i like the my so called life reference. nerd!

Christine said...

I'm looking forward to taking naps together. Oooo...naps with Hannah AND Shady! Can't wait!

Neil said...

It's tough, but the bright side is it gives Hannah the opportunity to miss me. Now when I come home from work I get a big 'ol smile! That didn't happen when i took care of her all day long -- sheesh! She is so cute it hurts to look at her!