Friday, March 12, 2010

We Are Suckers...

See this cow/giraffe lovey? It was $8.99 at Target. It's Hannah's favorite and she can't sleep without it.
Hannah is running around a lot, and she often takes her cow with her. And occaisionally she drops it on dirty surfaces. And of course, we won't always have the time to wash it before her naps. Our solution: buy another one! Unfortunately this lovey has been discontinued at Target. This is something that has not escaped the interwebs.

We tried finding this on eBay. Guess how much it was going for? $30! And did we buy it? I think the title of this entry will give you the answer.

Actually, we got off lucky. We've seen some lovies on eBay that are going for over $100! But if a kid is attached to a particular one, I can see why their parents will pay that much. Now excuse me while I go to Target --I see investment opportunities ahead...

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