Wednesday, November 19, 2008

2 Month Progress Report

How's Hannah doing? Watch the movie to find out!

She's focussing on objects very well and she's improving her hand-eye coordination daily. We'll be playing LittleBigPlanet together in no time!

Also, we went to the pediatrician on Friday. She rolled over for her doctor....twice! When is she gonna do that for us??!!

And for those who are curious, she's now 9 lbs, 12 oz and is 22 inches tall. Her weight and height are in the 25th percentile. Her head is a little small though -- she's in the 5th percentile there.


akira said...

holy cow! nice reaching hannah! looks like in about two more months she'll be swinging away at a regular punching bag! and rolling over twice (in front of the doctor no less)!!!!! you guys got a smart one for sure! congrats! love the video by the way, great to see Hannah in action!

Jenny said...

yes! more videos please!!

i can't believe she's growing up so fast!!!

Martin said...

wow, she's super active!! very cool. margot wasn't nearly that active at 2 months. She pretty much just stared at those hanging things.

JOHN said...

Way to go Hannah!! At least she didn't do a 'Michigan J Frog' on you guys!