After only 9 days, Hannah's umbilical cord dropped! This item will fit in nicely with our meconium poop, orange urine crystals and early booger collection.
why is that clamp still there? i thought that comes off after a day or 2.
you can just save a lock of her hair from her 1st haircut (which may be sooner rather than later judging by her head o' hair!) for cloning purposes later...
awesome, yeah keep those items safe, if they ever legalize it, those are precisely the elements needed for making clones
i threw margot's away and martin got SO MAD. oops!
once it has completely stopped bleeding, you can clean the black crap out with a q-tip and vaseline!!
Yeah...i think collecting gross stuff is totally a guy thing. I'd keep my own doo-doo if we had the room!
why is that clamp still there? i thought that comes off after a day or 2.
you can just save a lock of her hair from her 1st haircut (which may be sooner rather than later judging by her head o' hair!) for cloning purposes later...
is that why martin still wears socks from the 6th grade?
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